Is It Art or the Art of a Con?
Sotheby’s breaks its sales record for an auction of works of a single artist. The prior record was $20 Million for 88 works by Pablo Picasso in 1993. So who broke the record?
It was British artist Damian Hirst. The sales were of Pickled Sharks (Yes pickled), Butterfly paintings and a Cow in Formaldehyde. The Shark titled:” The Kingdom”, was a Tiger Shark, preserved in formaldehyde, it sold for $17 million, Monday evening. “The Golden Calf” an embalmed calf with golden hoofs and horns sold for $18.5 million.
His total sales for the show was $198 million. Mr. Hirst is one of the so-called “Young British Artists” who have come into vogue in the 1990’s. He is famous for works of death and decay – pickled animals, rotting cow’s heads, diamond –encrusted skulls, and works of that style.
So my question is: “Is this art? Or the art of a good con-man?” And who would spend that kind of money on (in my view) crap like a rotting cows head. How does his “art work” benefit and enhance mankind.
The definition of art is broad I agree, but I as an artist feel he is bringing the field of art to a new low. It bothers me as an artist that he is putting his “art” out there and probably laughing all the way to his bank the next day. I really feel he is doing harm to the art field in general; he is just putting the most outrageous stuff out there he can and making money off of it. I have to say I am baffled why anyone would ever consider buying his pickled animals and consider them art.
Each day I sit at my easel and attempt to create a painting that will add beauty to the world, I know they will sell, but I do not worry about making millions or even a fraction of the money he does. It is more important to me that the collector looks at my works on their walls and is thrilled by what they see, that it adds something to their lives.
Art is in the eye of the beholder? I don’t always agree with this statement. And in Mr. Hirst’s work, I do not feel it is art at all. Now has he mastered the Art of a Con-Man? You tell me.
Sotheby’s breaks its sales record for an auction of works of a single artist. The prior record was $20 Million for 88 works by Pablo Picasso in 1993. So who broke the record?
It was British artist Damian Hirst. The sales were of Pickled Sharks (Yes pickled), Butterfly paintings and a Cow in Formaldehyde. The Shark titled:” The Kingdom”, was a Tiger Shark, preserved in formaldehyde, it sold for $17 million, Monday evening. “The Golden Calf” an embalmed calf with golden hoofs and horns sold for $18.5 million.
His total sales for the show was $198 million. Mr. Hirst is one of the so-called “Young British Artists” who have come into vogue in the 1990’s. He is famous for works of death and decay – pickled animals, rotting cow’s heads, diamond –encrusted skulls, and works of that style.
So my question is: “Is this art? Or the art of a good con-man?” And who would spend that kind of money on (in my view) crap like a rotting cows head. How does his “art work” benefit and enhance mankind.
The definition of art is broad I agree, but I as an artist feel he is bringing the field of art to a new low. It bothers me as an artist that he is putting his “art” out there and probably laughing all the way to his bank the next day. I really feel he is doing harm to the art field in general; he is just putting the most outrageous stuff out there he can and making money off of it. I have to say I am baffled why anyone would ever consider buying his pickled animals and consider them art.
Each day I sit at my easel and attempt to create a painting that will add beauty to the world, I know they will sell, but I do not worry about making millions or even a fraction of the money he does. It is more important to me that the collector looks at my works on their walls and is thrilled by what they see, that it adds something to their lives.
Art is in the eye of the beholder? I don’t always agree with this statement. And in Mr. Hirst’s work, I do not feel it is art at all. Now has he mastered the Art of a Con-Man? You tell me.
The fool is the one who pays the price, but you're right, its not art and it barely fringes on creativity (and even of that I'm not sure) Its sideshow shock mentality. At least the sideshows attrocities in the old time carnivals had some artist some where painting the murals.
When I lived and studied in New Mexico it was commonly whispered that a very famous NM artist was not much of an artist but one hell of a businessman.
Sometimes the only art being exercised is the art of promotion.
This is my first visit to your site but definatly not my last. Your work is beautiful and so full of life.
Thank you for your comments. I will give Mr Hirst this; he is a good taxidermist.
Well done Kurt! Hundreds of artists will be saying amen to your comments including me. I do feel however that we can go further and call a lot of art a 'con'. Art that is ugly, difigured, deformed, meaningless painted by those who are regarded as famous and collectable. I neednt name names as we know who they are. All power to the artists who give joy to the world.
love your work and you plein air paintings.
Hey Kurt, New paintings look good...I would really love to see some of them stuffed or pickled though...would pay triple if you could add some formaldehyde...Hmmm....maybe I'll try adding something dead to my art.
Especially like the falls and water...very beautiful
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