
I want to welcome you to my blog. I will share my art, creative process and a little of myself with you. My life as a Artist has been interesting and full of adventures. Come along with me as we explore the world and how the artist sees it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Time Moves Ever On

I have a birthday coming up, edging ever closer to the big 60, still a few years off. My children are young adults, I am so proud of the 4 of them. One of the cool things about aging is you see life in different ways at different times in your life. As a child the sense of wonder at everything new. Teenage years the years of self discovery. Young adults is about yourself and how you relate to the world.
Now in my years approaching retirement years, I see life with more appreciation for things. Every sunny day I treasure, I see the colors and appreciate them more. The cool crisp days of this fall, every day is special, we have had a incredible summer and fall in Alaska this year. Last year the weather was not that good. I think it helped me appreciate this year so much more. I love life, I love the feel of wind against my face. I look forward to this winter. As our home truly turns into a winter wonderland. My studio is called Snowbound Art Studios, for a reason. As we live in the hills above Anchorage, we get a fair amount of snowfall. Despite the challanges that come with where we live, we also get the beauty and glory of experiencing nature first hand. Bears, wolves, foxes and Lynx have all paid our home a visit at different times. Moose are a constant visitor in our property. We finally gave up planting flowers every summer, all we were doing was providing a feast for the local Mooses. In summer we have the long, long daylight hours, sun rises before 5 AM and sets at 11PM, you get to enjoy so much more of the day. In winter we have the Northern Lights in the sky to entertain us. When I used to live 45 miles out of Anchorage, at night when I drove home late in the evening, there was many time I stopped and pulled the car over and just watched the Northern Lights in the sky, and I was not the only one, usually there were quite a few cars stopped and enjoying the visions in the sky.
As a Artist, the 5 degree angle sun in the winter adds so much color in the sky and snow that you don't see in the Lowere 48 states.
I have learned with age to appreciate every moment of my life and the incredible gift it is.


LeAnn Whitacre said...

What a great post. Thank you for sharing. My husband and I lived in the Seattle area for a couple of years, and you're right about the long days, and the angle of the sun, and the colors. I really like this painting, too.

Kurt said...

Thank you. I spent time in Seattle in the late 70's.