
I want to welcome you to my blog. I will share my art, creative process and a little of myself with you. My life as a Artist has been interesting and full of adventures. Come along with me as we explore the world and how the artist sees it.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sales down the drain - sort of

LIFE HAS A WAY OF KEEPING YOU HUMBLE - Last Sunday Stephans Fine Art Gallery called and told me they had sold all my Marine paintings I had there. Great news, money coming in. And as of Monday money going out -- our drain in our laundry room is blocked all the water backed up and flooded the basement and soaked everything. As my daughter said when she heard about it " Your sales from the paintings just went down the drain"! Alas oh so true. But at least I had some money to take care of the Plumbers. Thank you collector that bought the paintings you have no idea how helpful those sales were.

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