Alaskan Artist, I paint Landscapes, Wildlife, Still Life, in a Realistic and Impressionistic styles. My paintings are for sale on my website:
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sales down the drain - sort of

LIFE HAS A WAY OF KEEPING YOU HUMBLE - Last Sunday Stephans Fine Art Gallery called and told me they had sold all my Marine paintings I had there. Great news, money coming in. And as of Monday money going out -- our drain in our laundry room is blocked all the water backed up and flooded the basement and soaked everything. As my daughter said when she heard about it " Your sales from the paintings just went down the drain"! Alas oh so true. But at least I had some money to take care of the Plumbers. Thank you collector that bought the paintings you have no idea how helpful those sales were.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Change Is One Constant In Your Life

I am in my late 50's and technology has changed so much in my lifetime. Personal computers have changed how we interact in life and how we do business (good and bad). As an Artist we used to create our work, head to the galleries and attempt to get representation and hope they actually sell our creations. Do the local art show circut. Now a lot of the galleries have gone out of business and it is a online world ( not that this is bad ). I have my website ( ) and my blog. Whether or not anyone goes to either is the question of merit. Also on Facebook and Twitter. Most artists are semi reclusive, so the online world has forced us to become more communicative with our collectors ( good thing ), and to start to take a more active roll in marketing our wares. In other words we have to consider the marketing just another continuation of the creative process. Now that is taking this "old fart" out of his comfort zone and making me expand in ways that are new to me. Now having said all that my dad is 90 and online also, so if he can do it I should be able to; right?
One part of the online world is awesome is the ability to stay in contact with all of our children and their lives. We are grandparents now ( baby Joseph Newton Rose ), and with Skype we can video call and see the family while we talk on the Internet. Shades of Startrek! Smart Phones have changed how we live also. When I grew up we had rotary phones, then the touchtone phones they were the coolest. Then the first massive cell phones, batteries lasted maybe 30 minutes, but you drove around in your car and it was cool and unique. Now everyone has a cell, you can't survive without them in the business world, my galleries can contact me with questions whether I am home or out painting or fishing. Frustrating sometimes but a good thing for business. I can upload pictures, videos, search the Internet, send texts etc all from my phone anytime anywhere.
My how life has changed.
The one thing that has not changed is we still need a break once and a while. To take time for ourselves and family. Recharge our batteries so to speak. For me that is when I paint or am out in the woods, camping, fishing or hunting. For Donna and I that is our time alone. We go out to dinner at least once a week our 'Date" we hold hands, sit next to each other in the restaurant, not across from each other and court each other. A wonderful feeling.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Turnigan View

We all met at the Lowenfeld's home, what a gorgeous place, it overlooked Turnigan Arm. Although a little overcast, it still was a awesome day. About 20 of us were there, it was a pot luck lunch also, so great food and great friends, how can you go wrong.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Fire In The Sky

Woke up this morning in a Sydney Laurence frame of mind. Sydney Laurence is considered the father of Alaska Painters. So I went out to the studio and painted this painting before lunch today as homage to Master Alaska painter. He spent a lifetime painting Mt McKinely (the great one ) and none have ever done it as well as he did. Every now and then I go to the Anchorage Museum to tour the artwork there and study his paintings. His use of color is amazing to see.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday Plein Air Painting

Plein Air Painting Friday with the Alaska Plein Air Painters - Had Friday off from work, and as it turned out it was the nicest day we have had in over a month. The group met for coffee at LaRoma's and then off to McHugh Creek to paint. I hiked back up the trail to above the Bridge and did this little 8 x 10 oil plein air painting. I am so thankful to have the day off.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
4th Annual Plein Air Weekend

5801 Barry Ave., Anchorage AK 99507
Artists painting on location, Art for Sale, Prizes and Games!!! Free Fun for All Ages!!! Prizes donated by artists and Blaine's Art Supply. A portion of the Proceeds to Benefit Clare House.
Artists include: Betty Atkinson, James Belcher, Diane Block, Lynn Brautigan Boots, Nancy Angelini Crawford, Nancy Brandt-Erichsen, Lorri Davis, Romie Deschamps, Bob Hansen, Paul, Dawn Gillette, Teri Jo Hedman, Kurt Jacobson, Don Kolstad, Cynthia Calder Kolstad, Pat Munz, Jean Shadrach, Andy Sonneborn, Dot Tideman and special guests artists.
In Loving Memory of Our Frien & Fellow Artist, Eric Deeter
Painting by Eric Deeter
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Last Fly By